California Supply Chain Act

Corporate Disclosure in Compliance with SB 657 California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (Human Trafficking and Anti-Slavery)

HCP WHOLESALE LLC strives to conduct business in a manner that reflects our four basic beliefs – respect for the individual, service to customers, striving for excellence and acting with integrity. We hold the same expectations of our suppliers.

HCP WHOLESALE LLC requirement that suppliers exclude involuntary labor—including underage, forced, coerced, bonded, involuntary prison, exploited, trafficked or indentured labor—from their operations and supply chain. We incorporate these Standards into our supplier agreements.

HCP WHOLESALE LLC recognizes that responsible sourcing requires more than monitoring facilities for compliance. Walmart utilizes a multi-front approach focused on leveraging collaborations, promoting training and capacity building, and providing motivation to remediate and continuously improve.

HCP WHOLESALE LLC’s Standards for Suppliers contain several provisions outlining suppliers’ responsibilities with respect to eliminating involuntary labor from their supply chains and provide that a signed supplier agreement, acceptance of a purchase order, and/or provision of merchandise to HCP SUPPLY LLC constitutes acceptance of the Standards and serves as the supplier’s continuing affirmation of compliance. Additionally, when a supplier discloses a new facility to HCP WHOLESALE LLC, the supplier is required to certify to Walmart that, to the best of its knowledge, all facilities the supplier uses for production of goods for sale by Walmart comply with HCP WHOLESALE LLC’s Standards for Suppliers.

Internal Accountability
We require all HCP WHOLESALE LLC associates to comply with our Code of Conduct. Suppliers, contractors and service providers are expected to act ethically, and all suppliers providing product for sale or use by HCP WHOLESALE LLC are required to comply with HCP WHOLESALE LLC’s Standards for Suppliers and our Responsible Sourcing program expectations. We investigate issues and take the appropriate action to address those issues, up to and including termination of associates and termination of agreements with suppliers and contractors. Read more about supplier accountability and consequences here and facility consequences here.